Winter Funderland
Family Concert: Burke, Surette & Allyn

Friday, December 6th, 7:00pm
Emery Community Arts Center
$5 adults, kids free
AIWM is anticipating Saturday’s Chester Greenwood Day in Farmington with a Friday evening of folk and holiday songs for the entire family, sung by three of New England’s finest—the guitar/piano/voice trio of Burke, Surette, and Allyn! Chester Greenwood’s invention of the noble earmuff has inspired us to entertain an “earmuff haiku” contest for students K-6. The poems will be judged by local poets Wes McNair and Henry Braun, and winners will be announced; a dozen winners will have their poems read, and will receive some awesome earmuffs donated by L.L. Bean!
And we hope you will be entertained by a musical slideshow we have created to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the University of Maine in Farmington with scenes of the city past and present that are sure to have you giggling. Come one, come all! Don’t miss this singfest that will get you in the yuletide spirit while celebrating a historical local period. And help us give a shout-out to Farmington’s youthful poets with cocoa and cookies. A fun time for the whole family!
The Burke-Surette-Allyn trio will feature a number of selections from their holiday CD release Wonderland, along with folk and acoustic fare from their standard repertoire. With influences and styles ranging from folk to jazz, Celtic to rock, cool blues to Broadway and beyond, this trio presents the seasonal repertoire with heart, flair and energy.
Boston Globe music writer Scott Alarik says of them..they are “a wintry gem, elegant as a Manhattan midnight, bewitching as hot rum, and as warm and folksy as your grandmother’s old quilt. The trio moves gracefully among pop chestnuts, new songs, and ancient carols. Surette’s playing on guitar, mandolin, and cittern, is a marvel of melodic purity and ribbon-candy chordal color, lightly augmented by Allyn’s quicksilver piano. Burke’s twilight mezzo always puts melody before mechanics and heart before dazzle.” You can hear their music here: myspace.com/burkesurette/music/songs.
The trio are recipients of Individual Artist Fellowship awards from the NH State Council on the Arts. Susie and David have released ten albums since 1990, encompassing both solo and duo releases, while Kent Allyn on bass, piano, and electric guitar, is a key member of several groups, including Ben Baldwin & the Big Note and the Night Heron Consort.
Remember Dec. 6th as “Chester Greenwood Eve”, a night for grandma and grandpa, the folks, their cousins and their kids! Hope to see you there!