
Sunday, December 10th, 2017 3:00 p.m.
UMF Nordica Auditorium
Admission: By contribution
Singing sacred, secular and silly, songs of the season
Northfield, the vocal ensemble based in Farmington, will continue their tradition of seasonal celebrations on Sunday, December 10th at Nordica Auditorium at UMF’s Merrill Hall, at 3:00 in the afternoon.
The music, sung in an a cappella style, will include some holiday music, as well as an eclectic mix of sacred, secular and silly songs. In addition to their usual selections from the Early American shape note tradition, Northfield will perform pieces from the European Renaissance, Late Romantic and Impressionist period, and several special new-to-their-repertoire, twentieth and twenty-first century selections.
Also special this season, opening the concert in Farmington on Sunday will be the University of Farmington’s (UMF’s) premier a cappella group, the Clefnotes.
Admission for the performance is by donation. For more information, please go to their website: http://northfieldsingers.wordpress.com/ or call 778-5074.